Associate Professor
Naqiong Tong
Ph.D., Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey
Research Interests:Information Disclosure, Corporate Governance, FInancial Management
0755-2603 2535
Office: Rm. 746, PHBS Building

Research Fields:

Information Disclosure, Corporate Governance, FInancial Management


Ph.D. in Accounting, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey,USA

M.B.A., The University of Wales-Cardiff, UK

B.A., Fudan University,China

Working Experience:
2011-Current: Teaching Associate Professor, HSBC Business School, Peking University, China
2010-2011: Assistant Professor, University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2007-2009: Lecturer, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
2005-2009: Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Published Papers:

Danglun Luo, Naqiong Tong and Guoman She,City-Level Political Uncertainty and City-Ievel IPO Activities, Accounting & Finance, 2017, December

Wei Cen, Naqiong Tong and Yushi Sun,Tax Avoidance and cost of Debt: Evidence from a natural experiment in China, Accounting & Finance, 2017, December

Tong, Naqiong, Shannon Lin and Alan Tucker (2014), "Corporate Tax Aggression and Debt", Journal of Banking and Finance, March (40):227-241. Impact Factor: 1.948


Tong, Naqiong and Yue, Qi (2013), Evidence on Manipulation of Discretionary Loan Loss Provisions in the Commercial Banking Industry,  Contemporary Accounting Review (Chinese), June, (6):81-93

Tong, Naqiong, Wei Cen and Shihao Li (2014), The Impact of Investor Attention on Stock Return and Stock Risk, Securities Market Herald, July:40-47.

“Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance”, book chapter--in book entitled with Key issues and challenges in developments in Chinese entrepreneurship, Book Editor (Wenxuan Hou- University of Edinburgh), will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in the US in September, 2014

Conference Papers:

“Local Independent Directors with Financial Expertise and CEO Pay and Turnover”, coauthored with Wei Cen and Huiping Yang, presented at Contemporary Accounting Review (Chinese) Annual Conference, December 5-7. 2014.

“Independent Director’s Political Connection and Government Subsidies”, coauthored with Wei Cen and Ruolin Shen, presented at China Economic Annual Conference, December 12-14, 2014.

"Real Earnings Management and CFO Turnover: Evidence From China", coauthored with Longfei Tang and Jason Xiao, presented at The 26th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference at Sydney, December, 2013, and 2014 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, February 2014.

"Executive Pay Disparity and Firm Performance: Evidence From China", coauthored with Frank Koger and Susan Xu, submitted to Journal of Corporate Finance, special issue of China.
“Compensation consultant independence and CEO pay”, coauthor with John Donkas and Wei Cen, submitted to Journal of Accounting Research
"Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Analyst Following and Stock Price Synchronicity", coauthored with Wei Cen, submitted to Journal of Finance and Economics (in Chinese)

Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis