Assistant Professor
Aoxiang Yang
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests:Asset Pricing, Derivatives, Behavioral Finance, Macro-Finance
0755-2603 3355
Office: Rm. 639, PHBS Building
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 2022
M.S. in Economics, CCER, Peking University, June 2016
B.S. in Economics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, June 2013
"The Price of Higher-Order Catastrophe Insurance: The Case of VIX Options" with Bjørn Eraker (updated September 2021), Journal of Finance, Forthcoming

Working Papers
"Understanding Negative Risk-Return Trade-offs" (Job Market Paper, updated July 2022)
"The Debt Structure Premium" (updated November 2021)

Seminars & Conferences (*by coauthors)
2022: FMA (scheduled), UNSW Asset Pricing Workshop (scheduled), Temple University, UW -Madison, Peking University HSBC Business School, Peking University Guanghua School of Management, CUHK-Shenzhen, SUSTech, University of Toronto Rotman School of Manage ment, Econometric Society Asian Meeting
2021: UW-Madison, LongTail Alpha*
2020: UW-Madison, University of Copenhagen*, Tilburg University*, Maastricht University*, Rotterdam University*, AFA*, Cancun Derivatives Workshop*, European Winter Finance Sum mit (canceled)
2019: UW-Madison, MFA, CFIRM*
Peking University (scheduled)
Empirical Asset Pricing PhD, Derivatives Pricing MA
Asset Pricing Theory (PhD, for David Brown Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
Introduction to Financial Management (MBA, for Adam Smedema Fall 2017)
Investment Theory (Bachelor, for Roberto Robatto Spring 2018)
Derivative Securities (Bachelor, for Bjorn Eraker Fall 2018, for Dmitry Orlov Spring 2020,Spring 2021)