Assistant Professor
Manshu Khanna
Ph.D. in Economics, Boston College
Research Interests:Market Design, Microeconomics, Experimental Economics
0755-2603 3064
Office: Rm. 706, PHBS Building
Research Fields
Market Design, Microeconomics, Experimental Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, Boston College, 2022
M.A. in Economics, Delhi School of Economics, 2015
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Statistics, Hindu College, University of Delhi, 2013
Working Papers

“Beyond Dividing the Pie: Multi-Issue Bargaining in the Laboratory” [revision requested at Review of Economic Studies] (Bochet, Khanna and Siegenthaler, 2021)

“Non-Standard Choice in Matching Markets” [working paper] (Caspari and Khanna, 2021)

“Affirmative Action in Two Dimensions: A Multi-Period Apportionment Problem”

[working paper] (Evren and Khanna, 2021)