Associate Professor
Yingjie Lan
Ph.D. in Operations Management, University of Maryland
Research Interests:Revenue Management, Operations Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Logistics
0755-2603 3183
Office: Rm. 754, PHBS Building
Research Fields:
Revenue Management, Operations Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Logistics

Ph.D. (2009) – R.H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
MS Comp. Sci. (2003) – College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
MS Management (2000) – Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, Beijing, China
BA Economics (1997) – Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, Beijing, China

Working Experience:
Assistant Professor, 2009-2015 Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Software engineer, 2000-2001 Huajian Group, Beijing China
  1.  Y. Lan, M. Ball, I. Karaesmen, J. Zhang and G. Liu, “Analysis of Seat Allocation and Overbooking Decisions with Hybrid Information,” European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) Volume 240, Issue 2, 16 January 2015, Pages 493–504.

  2. Yao Liu, Qi Wei, Lei Guo, Bo Shen, Songqing Chen, Yingjie Lan. "Investigating Redundant Internet Video Streaming Traffic on iOS Devices: Causes and Solutions". IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 16(2): 510-520, 2014.

  3. Yao Liu, Fei Li, Lei Guo, Bo Shen, Songqing Chen, and Yingjie Lan. "Measurement and Analysis of an Internet Streaming Service to Mobile Devices". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 24, November 2013.

  4. Y. Lan, M. Ball and I. Karaesmen, “Regret in Overbooking and Fare-Class Allocation for Single Leg,”Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM) Spring 2011 13:194-208.

  5. Y. Lan, H. Gao, M. Ball and I. Karaesmen, (2008) “Revenue Management with Limited Demand Information,” Management Science, volume 54, number 9, pp. 1594-1609.

  6. Y. Lan, and S. Chen, “Some Special Minimum k-Geodetically Connected Graphs,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 159, No. 10, June 2011, pp. 1002-1012.

  7. Y. Lan, and L. Leemis, (2008) “The Logistic-Exponential Survival Distribution,” Naval Research Logistics (NRL) volume 55, number 3, pp. 252-264.

  8. Y. Lan, M. Ball and I. Karaesmen (2008), “Robust Revenue Management: Overbooking and Fare-Class Allocation with Limited Information,” INFORMS MSOM 2008 SIG Conference on Service Management, June 7, 2008, Washington, DC.

  9. Y. Lan, H. Gao, M. Ball and I. Karaesmen (2006), “Booking Control Policies for Revenue Management Using Limited Demand Information,” INFORMS MSOM 2006 Conference Proceedings, June 19-20, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.

  10. G. Ciardo, and Y. Lan, (2003) “Faster Discrete-Event Simulation Through Structural Caching,”Conference Proceedings, Sixth Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS-6), September 5-7, Monticello, Illinois.

  11. 陶星、丁邡、*蓝颖杰、王其文 ,订单驱动生产系统中的收益管理——对动态产能分配机制的改进,系统工程理论与实践, 33(3), pp 632-641, 2013/3/1

  12. 丁邡、张学宏、陶星、蓝颖杰 ,基于社会网络视角的IT决策模式研究 ,第十三届中国管理科学学术年会论文集,19(特刊), pp 679-686, 2011/10/28

  13. 王丽颖、巩天啸、陈丽华、*蓝颖杰 ,二级市场季节性商品的订购和销售决策 (Decisions for ordering seasonal goods and switching to secondary markets),管理科学学报,2014, 17(5)

Working Papers:
W. Wang, and Y. Lan, “Competitive Difference Analysis of the One-Way Trading Problem with Limited Information”. R&R, European Journal of Operational Research.
W. Wang, and Y. Lan, “Robust One-way Trading with Limited Opportunities”.                    
Decisions and Programming, Operations Mangement, Operations Research, Business Simulation Game