Thomas J. Sargent
Ph.D. in Economics
Research Interests:
0755-2603 1223
Office: Rm. 672, PHBS Building
University of California at Berkeley, B.A., June, 1964
Harvard University, Ph.D., March 1968.

Work Experience
January 1967 - January 1968, Research Associate, Carnegie Institute of Technology
February 1968 - December 1969, First Lieutenant and Captain, U.S. Army. Served as Staff Member and Acting Director, Economics Division, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis)
January 1970 - June 1971, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania 
September 1971 - June 1987, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota; Professor from July 1975
January 1970 - June 1973; 1979 - present, Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
January 1973 - December 1973, Member, Brookings Panel on Economic Activity
September 1976 - June 1977 Ford Foundation Visiting Research Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
June, 1971 - June 1987, Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
September 1981 - June 1982, Visiting Professor of Economics, Harvard University and Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
August 1985 - March 1987, Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, California
March 1987 - present, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, California
July 1991- July 1998, David Rockefeller Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
July 1998 - September 2002, Donald Lucas Professor of Economics, Stanford University
September 2002 - present, William Berkley Professor of Economics, New York University
January 2015 - present, Distinguished Term Professor, Singapore Management University
“A Life-Cycle Model of Trans-Atlantic Employment Experiences,” (with Sagiri Kitao and Lars Ljungqvist), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017 vol. 25, April.
“Measuring Price-Level Uncertainty and Instability in the U.S., 1850-2012,” (with Timothy Cogley), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, vol. 97(4), pages 827-838, October.
“Robert E. Lucas Jr.’s Collected Papers on Monetary Theory,”Journal of Economic Literature, 2015, vol. 53(1), pp. 43-64, March.
“Four Types of Ignorance,” (with Lars Peter Hansen), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015, vol. 69(C), pp. 97-113.
“Welfare Cost of Business Cycles with Idiosyncratic Consumption Risk and a Preference for Robustness,” (with Martin Ellison), American Economic Journal Macroeconomics, 2015, vol. 7(2), pp. 40-57, April.
“Harrod 1939,” (with Lawrence E. Blume), Economic Journal, 2015, vol. 0(583), pp. 350-377, 03.
“Price Level Uncertainty and Instability in the United Kingdom,” (with Timothy Cogley and Paolo Surico), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2015, vol. 52(C), pp. 1-16.
“Fiscal Discriminations in Three Wars,” (with George Hall), Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 61 (2014), pp. 148–166.
“Career Length: Effects of Curvature of Earnings Profiles, Earnings Shocks, Taxes, and Social Security,” (with Lars Ljungqvist), Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 17(1), pages 1-20, January, 2014.
“Wealth Dynamics in a Bond Economy with Heterogeneous Beliefs,” (with Timothy Cogley and Viktor Tsyrennikov), Economic Journal, 2015, vol. 124(575), pp. 1-30, 03.
“History-Dependent Public Policies,” (with David Evans), in Macroeconomics at the Service of Public Policy, Thomas J. Sargent and Jouko Vilmunen, editors, Oxford University Press, 2013.
“Bayesian Model Averaging, Learning, and Model Selection,” (with George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja, and Noah Williams), in Macroeconomics at the Service of Public Policy, Thomas J. Sargent and Jouko Vilmunen, editors, Oxford University Press, 2013.
“Three Types of Ambiguity,” (with Lars Peter Hansen), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 59, Issue 5, July 2012, pp. 422–445.
“Small noise methods for risk-sensitive/robust economies,” (with Evan W. Anderson and Lars Peter Hansen), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 36(4), 2012, pages 468-500.
“A Defense of the FOMC,” (with Martin Ellison), International Economic Review, vol. 53(4), pages 1047- 1065, November 2012.
“Market Prices of Risk with Diverse Beliefs, Learning, and Catastrophes,” (with Timothy Cogley and Viktor Tsyrennikov), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, vol. 102(3), pages 141-46, May 2012.
“Nobel Lecture: United States Then, Europe Now,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 120(1), February, 2012, pages 1 - 40.
“Where to Draw Lines: Stability Versus Efficiency,” Economica, 2011, vol. 78(310), pages 197-214.
“Robustness and ambiguity in continuous time”, (with Lars Peter Hansen), Journal of Economic Theory, volume 146, Issue 3, May 2011, pp. 1195–1223.
“Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money: Breakdowns and Revivals,” American Economic Review, vol. 101(1), pages 109-28, February, 2011.
“A Labor Supply Elasticity Accord?” (with Lars Ljungqvist), American Economic Review, vol. 101(3), pages 487-91, May, 2011.
“Israel 1983: A bout of unpleasant monetarist arithmetic?” (with Joseph Zeira), Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 14(3), pages 419-431, July 2011.
“Wanting Robustness in Macroeconomics,” (with Lars Peter Hansen), In Benjamin M. Friedman, and Michael Woodford, editors: Handbook of Monetary Economics, Vol. 3B, North-Holland, 2011, pages 1097-1157.
“Alternative Monetary Policies in a Turnpike Economy,” (with Rodolfo Manuell), Macroeconomic Dynamics, November, 2010. Vol. 14, number 5, pages 727-762.
“The Timing of Tax Collections and the Structure of Irrelevance Theorems in a Cash-In-Advance Model,” (with Bruce Smith), Macroeconomic Dynamics, September 2010, Vol. 14, number 4, pages 585-603.
“Fragile beliefs and the price of uncertainty,” (with Lars Peter Hansen), Quantitative Economics, 2010, Vol. 1, pages 129-162.
“Robust Hidden Markov LQG Problems”, (with Lars Peter Hansen and Ricardo Mayer), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2010, Volume 34, pages 1951–1966.
“Inflation-Gap Persistence in the U.S,” (with Timothy Cogley and Giorgio E. Primiceri), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2010, vol. 2:1, pages 43-69.
“How Sweden’s Unemployment Became More Like Europe’s, (with Lars Ljungqvist), in Reforming the Welfare State: Recovery and Beyond in Sweden, 2010, edited by Richard B. Freeman, Birgitta Swedenborg, and Robert H. Topel, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
“Doubts or Variability?” (with Francisco Barillas and Lars Peter Hansen), Journal of Economic Theory, 2009, vol. 144(6), pages 2388-2418.
“The Conquest of South American Inflation,” (with Noah Williams and Tao Zha), Journal of Political Economy, 2009. vol. 117(2), pages 211-256.
“Diverse Beliefs, Survival, and the Market Price of Risk,” (with Timothy Cogley), Economic Journal, 2009, vol. 119(536), pages 354-376.