Assistant Professor
Cuifen Weng
Ph.D. in Management, University of New South Wales
Research Interests:International Business, Strategic Management, Innovation
0755-2603 9259
Office: Rm. 617, PHBS Building

Research Fields:
International Business, Strategic Management, Innovation

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2017
UNSW Business School, Ph.D. in Management, School of Management

National University of Singapore, Singapore 2010
Master of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science

Peking University, Beijing, China 2007
Bachelor of Laws, School of International Studies
Bachelor of Economics (Double Degree), China Center for Economic Research

Peer-reviewed International Journal Articles:
Ko, K. & Weng, C. “Structural Changes in Chinese Corruption,” The China Quarterly, Vol.211, September 2012, pp.718-740, (SSCI; Australian Business Deans Council Journal List: A)

Ko, K. & Weng, C. “Critical Review of Conceptual Definitions of Chinese Corruption: A Formal-Legal Perspective,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 20, No 70, June 2011, pp.359-378, (SSCI 2015 Journal Impact Factor Ranking: 5/65)

Shan, W. & Weng, C. “China’s New Policy in Xinjiang and its Challenges,” East Asian Policy, Jul-Sep 2010, pp.58-66

Peer-reviewed Chinese Journal Article:
Zheng, Y. & Weng, C. “China-US Relations under the New Global Power Structure,” Journal of University of International Relations, vol. 5, 2010, pp. 94-99 (in Chinese) (CSSCI Extended List)

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters:
Zheng, Y. & Weng, C. “The Development of China’s Formal Political Structures,” in China in the Era of Xi Jinping, Robert S. Ross and Jo Inge Bekkevold, eds. Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, 2016, pp. 32-65

Zheng, Y. & Weng, C. “Why Does China’s Reform Start in the Provinces? De Facto Federalism and Its Limits,” in Democratization in China, Korea and Southeast Asia: Local and National Perspectives, K. X. Zhou, S. Rigger & L. T. White III, eds. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 110-125

Yang, M. & Weng, C. “China’s Recycled Water/Water Treatment Industry in the Age of Water Crisis”, in China’s Industrial Development in the 21st Century, M. Yang, et al, eds. Singapore: world Scientific, 2011, pp.101-135

Peer-reviewed Online Publication:
Zheng, Y. & Weng, C. “Central-Local Relations,” in Oxford Bibliographies in “Chinese Studies,” Tim Wright, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014,