Leased Capital and the Investment-q Relation
Leased capital accounts for a large fraction of public U S firms& 39; total productive physical capital In this

Kai Li*, Linqing You

ARTICLE | Journal of Corporate Finance | Vol.80, 2023

Keywords: investment q theory, leased capital, financial frictions

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Modeling Abandonment Behavior Among Patients
Researchers often utilize time-based models of queue abandonment In such models, researchers deter-mine the length

Ehsan Bolandifar*, Nicole DeHoratius, Tava Olsen

ARTICLE | European Journal of Operational Research | Vol.306, 2023

Keywords: OR in healthcare services, Modeling abandonment, Left without being seen, Survival time analysis

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Auditors’ Self-Assessment of Engagement Quality and the Role of Stakeholder Priority
This study investigates auditors& 39; assessment of the quality of their own audit engagements, utilising survey da

Limei Che, Emma-Riikka., Myllymäki, Tobias Svanström*

ARTICLE | Accounting and Business Research | Vol.53, 2023

Keywords: audit quality, self-assessment, auditor behaviour, audit process, stakeholder priority

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Investment Sensitivity to Lender Default Shocks
We investigate how lender default shocks impact corporate investment Lenders with recent default experience write

Hursit S.Celil, Brandon Julio*, Srinivasan Selvam

ARTICLE | Journal of Corporate Finance | Vol.79, 2023

Keywords: Creditor rights, Corporate investment, Financing frictions, Asset substitution, Claim dilution

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Understanding Local Government Debt in China: a Regional Competition Perspective
The GDP tournament among local governments plays a crucial role in supporting China& 39;s growth miracle Investmen

Xi Qu, Zhiwei Xu*, Jinxiang Yu, Jun Zhu

ARTICLE | Regional Science and Urban Economics | Vol.98, 2023

Keywords: Local government debt, Regional competition, Government debt reform, Chinese economy

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The Influence of Mindset Abstraction on Preference for Mixed Versus Extreme Approaches to Multi-Goal Pursuits
Facing multiple conflicting goals, consumers may attempt to simultaneously pursue multiple goals by choosing mixed

Fang-Chi Lu, Jooyoung Park*, Dhananjay Nayakankuppam

ARTICLE | Journal of Consumer Psychology | Vol.33, 2023

Keywords: goal conflict, mindset abstraction, multigoal pursuits, vice-virtue bundles

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The Impact of Commercial Medical Insurance Participation on Household Debt
Household debt is an important part of household financial decision-making, and commercial medical insurance has gr

Cancheng Hong, Di He, Ting Ren*

ARTICLE | Sustainability | Vol.15, 2023

Keywords: commercial medical insurance, household debt, household finance

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"I know it's sensitive": Internet censorship, recoding, and the sensitive word culture in China
This article conceptualizes the Sensitive Word Culture as a new theoretical lens for understanding how Chinese net

Weiming Ye, Luming Zhao*

ARTICLE | Discourse Context & Media | Vol.51, 2023

Keywords: Internet censorship, Sensitive, Internet slang, Everyday politics, Folk theory

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Fictional Scenarios, Real Concerns: Science Fiction and Perceptions of Human Genome Editing
This research addresses the association between attention to science fiction and public opinion of human genome ed

April A. Eichmeier*, Luye Bao, Michael A. Xenos, Dominique Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele

ARTICLE | Journal of Science Communication | Vol.21, 2023

Keywords: Public engagement with science and technology, Public perception of science and technology

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Surveying Public Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care in the United States: Systematic Review
Background: This paper reviews nationally representative public opinion surveys on artificial intelligence (AI) in t

Becca Beets, Todd P Newman, Emily L Howell, Luye Bao, Shiyu Yang

ARTICLE | Journal of Medical Internet Research | Vol.25, 2023

Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, public opinion, public perception, health care

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