Learning about the Consumption Risk Exposure of Firms

Yongjin Kim, Lars-Alexander Kuehn*, Kai Li

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial Economics | Vol. 152, 2024
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Delayed Crises and Slow Recoveries

Xuewen Liu*, Pengfei Wang, Zhongchao Yang

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial Economics | Vol. 152, 2024
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Winners from Winners: A Tale of Risk Factors

Siddhartha Chib, Lingxiao Zhao*, Guofu Zhou

ARTICLE | Management Science | Vol. 70, 2024
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Beyond Dividing the Pie: Multi-Issue Bargaining in the Laboratory
We design a laboratory experiment to study bargaining behaviour when negotiations involve multiple issues Parties

Olivier Boche*, Manshu Khanna, Simon Siegenthale

ARTICLE | Review of Economic Studies | Vol. 91, 2024

Keywords: Negotiation scope, Asymmetric information, Bundling, Alternating offers, Value creation

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