Connelly, B, Li, Q, Shi, W, & Lee, K. 2020. CEO dismissal: Consequences for the strategic risk taking of competitor CEOs. Strategic Management Journal, 41: 2092-2125. (All authors contributed equally).
Garg, S*., Li, Q*., & Shaw, J. 2019. Entrepreneurial firms grow up: Board undervaluation, board evolution, and firm performance in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 40: 1882-1907. (* First two authors shared first-authorship, name in alphabetical order).
― An early version was selected into AOM Best Paper Proceedings, STR Division, 2018.
Garg, S., Li, Q., & Shaw, J. 2018. Undervaluation of directors in the board hierarchy: Impact on turnover of directors (and CEO) in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 39(2): 429-457.
Li, Q., Maggitti, P., Smith, K., Tesluk, P., & Katila, R. 2013. Top management attention to innovation: The role of search selection and intensity in new product introduction. Academy of Management Journal, 56: 893-916. (First two authors contributed equally).
― Google citation 345 by August 2021
Li, Q. 2010. How do action signals matter in competition? The relationship between action signals and reaction intensity. AOM Best Paper Proceedings (top 10% of accepted papers at the conference), BPS Division.
Work In Progress
Strategic decision making
Qiang Li, Bryan Stroube, & Bo Zhao. Why does social information lead to social influence? (in preparation for journal submission).
Qiang Li, Brian Wu, & Bo Zhao. When can incentive structures backfire? (in preparation for journal submission).
Qiang Li. Social influence and competition: What if your competitor wins the “Best Employer Award”? (data analysis).
Corporate governance
Qiang Li, Sam Garg, Jason Shaw, & Hanny Kusnadi. When the cat’s away, the mice will play: Wrongdoing in entrepreneurial firms (in preparation for journal submission).
Qiang Li, & Songcui Hu. Was the “Breakup” too hasty? Internal control weakness disclosure and firm divestiture decisions (in preparation for journal submission).
Qiang Li. A bird in your hand is worth two in the bush: CEO share selling at IPOs (in preparation for journal submission).
Qiang Li. Appointing Chief Accounting Officer (CAO): Solving a problem while creating another (data analysis).
MA students at PHBS: Entrepreneurship, Technology Innovation Management, Corporate Strategy
Undergraduate at HKUST:
-Corporate Strategy (the required capstone class), 60 students each session.
-Introduction to Management (the common core course), 60 students each session.
PhD at HKUST: Strategic Management Research (Guest lecturer 2016, 2018).
Undergraduate at the University of Maryland: Strategic Management (the required capstone class).