Terrill L. Frantz, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Management
- PhD, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Univ. & EdD, Organization Change, Pepperdine Univ.
- Fields:Organizational Behavior, Mergers & Acquisitions, Post-Merger Integration, Organizational Networks
- Office Phone Number:+86-755-2603-5315
- Office Room:RM 761, PHBS Building
- Email:terrill@phbs.pku.edu.cn
- Web:http://faculty.phbs.pku.edu.cn/terrill
BiographyResearch, ,: the Fields at The
Organizational Behavior, Mergers & Acquisitions, Post is IS-Merger Integration, Networks, Organizational, Education: Ph.D., School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014 ,, Ed D., at The the Change Organization, Pepperdine University, 2004. M. Sc., Computation, Organization and Society (COS), Carnegie Mellon University, 2008 M.BA, Management, New York University, 1998 the BS, the Administration at The at The the Business, Drexel University, 1984
Industry preference Experience the Preference:
. The ORGANIZATION SIMULATIONS ASIA LTD. At The Hong Kong 2002- 2004; Managing Director.
MORGAN STANLEY & CO. New York, 1994-2002, Hong Kong, London & Vice President is :. IS Information Technology; the Operations Officer at The Asia-Region;. Communications / at The the Office of the CIO at The; Senior Analyst / Developer
BECKET A & WATKINS a Malvern, PA, USA 1993-1994; Director of Computer Department
MORGAN STANLEY & CO. for at The New York for the 1992-1993;.. Programming Consultant
EI DU PONT DE. . NEMOURS & CO. Wilmington, DE, USA 1988-1992; Programming Consultant
.. JP MORGAN & CO. Wilmington, DE, USA 1985-1988; the Data Center at The the System Manager at The / at The End-the User Support
.. ANDESA CORP. Allentown, PA, 1982-1985 USA; Programmer / Systems Administrator
at The the EXECUTIVE at The the SUPPORT at The the COMPUTER, INC.'s apos Wilmington, DE, USA 1981-1993;.. work of the Independent Consultant -
- Integration the POST-Merger: AT under the Looking at The Haziness at The Culture of Conflict (,, 2015). The In in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 14 , 103-127.
- AT at The Behavioral Theory of Merger at The the A: AT at The Dynamics of Integration Process (,, 2014) Carnegie Mellon University..
- The Computational Theory at The Organization (2013), the W / Kathleen M. Carley & William A. Wallace. At The Saul I. Gass and the In Michael C. Fu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Operations Research, at The, and Management Science (PP. 246- 252) New york:. Springer.
- Organization of Culture AT Legacy Effects at The Post is the ON-IS Merger Integratio N. (2013) at The the W / Carley, Kathleen, M. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 17 (1).
- IS at The Post is the Network of Social at The the View at The the A-Merger Integration . (2012). The W / Carley, Kathleen M. in in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions , 10, 161-176.
- Advancing through Alternative Medicine and Complementary at The the Network and the Analysis at The Social - - ??Agent-Based Modeling (2012).. Research,, in Complementary Medicine / Forschende Komplementarmedizin, 19 (S1), 36-41.
- Networks,, Social in Malaysia (2011). The In at The George A. Barnett (ED.) Encyclopedia of Social Networks,, (2011), Vol.. 2, 520-521. SAGE Publishing.
- Under the Measures of Uncertainty at The Centrality Robustness: Examining the Topology at The AT at The Role of the Network at The . (2010) the W / Cataldo, Marcelo, Carley, Kathleen M. at The the Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 15 (4), 303-328.
- The Within-Based Modeling the A - - Agent at The the Dynamic the Network at The (2009) the W / Carley, the In Kathleen at The Stephen M. Guastello, Matthijs Koopmans '', and David Pincus (. Eds) ,. Chaos and Complexity in Psychology: Theory of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems at The AT NY :. Cambridge University Press.
- AT at The Effect of Organizational Modeling Complexity Computationally-Merger Integration Post is the ON IS. (2009). The W / Carley, Kathleen. M. in in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions ,.. 8, 79-101 .
- At The Organizational Decision at The Individual And Making at The Modeling. (2009) the W / Carley ,, at The Sage of the AP at The M. & Kathleen at The the In the Rouse at The WB, of at The William B., of Systems Engineering's at The Handbook & apos Management and at The New York : ... Wiley.
- At The from-the Network at The Ego the Data Harvesting Facebook: Facebook Profile in the Using CEMAP at The ORA. (2009) the W / Kathleen M. Carley Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-the ISR-09-102 at The ...
- General CEMAP the Usage Guide at The. (2009). The W / Kathleen M. Carley. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-at The the ISR-09-116.
- To the Automated Communications-at The Approaches Converging Based at The Assessment of the Situation Awareness at The the Team. (2008). The W / Weil, SA, Foster, P., Freeman, J., Carley, K., Diesner, T., Cooke, NJ, Shope, S., and Gorman, J. in Letsky, M., Warner, N., Fiore, S., & Smith, C. (Eds.) Macrocognition in Teams Ashgate :. United Kingdom.
- An Architecture and CEMAP :. II Speficiations to Facilitate Real-World at The AT at The Import of the Data CASOS the INTO AT Software Suite at The .. (2008) the W / Kathleen M. Carley Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-the ISR-08 at The -130.
- Networks,, of AT at The Communication of Enron Email from Corpus :. "Always the About It at The AT of Enron apos, at The People of the IS NO Different" (2005) the W / Diesner, Jana, & Carley, M. Kathleen. At The the Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 11 , 201-228.
- The Topology to the Network at The AT at The Robustness at The Relating at The Centrality of the Measures. (2005). The W / Kathleen M. Carley. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-at The the ISR-05-119.
- The Automated Methodology for Conducting at The the A the AN the A Social Study of the Network at The University Faculty. (2005). The W / Kathleen M. Carley. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-at The the ISR-05-106.
- The A Tool for Social treemaps the AS at The the Network at The the Analysis. (2005). The W / Kathleen M. Carley. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-at The the ISR-05-118.
- Networks, Cellular, at The Formal Characterization of A. (2005). The W / Kathleen M. Carley. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science at The the CMU-at The the ISR-05-109.
- Special Time Topic Forum and the ON Research,, Organizational , edited by Paul S. Goodman, Deborah G. Arcona, and Barbara Lawrence (2004) Review,, the Journal Article This article was at The WAS This Article This article was: .. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences (NDPLS) , 8 , 441-444.
- Of the Change in at The at The Organization Patterns, the Performance, (2004). Pepperdine University
- And at The Field in the Identification field Assurances the Threat Information at The Networked Organizations. (2009) the W / Carley, the IEEE Symposium at The Kathleen M.: at The the Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence at The the Applications (CISDA), 2009. Only Only Ottawa, Canada.
- SectionTop section Merging :. Integration Networks, Social policy and the ITS at The the Exploring the ON Effect the Highly Central at The Actors (2008) the W / Carley, Kathleen M. Second World Congress at The Social the ON the Simulation (WCSS-2008), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA .
- Transforming the Data the INTO the RAW-Email-social the Network Information. (2008). The W / Carley, the In Kathleen M. at The Christopher C. Yang, Hsinchun Chen, Michael of of Chau, Chang,, Kuiyu, Sheau-Dong Lang, Patrick S. Chen, Hsieh, Raymond, daniel Zeng, Fei -Yue Wang, Kathleen Carley, Wenji Mao, and Justin Zhan (Eds.) (2008). 'Intelligence and Security Informatics Workshops, PAISI, PACCF and SOCO 2008' Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,. No. 5075 . Pacific Asia Workshop ON Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI 2008) Workshop ON Social Computing (SOCO 2008) ;. pre-Conference Workshop the ISI for the IEEE-2008), Grand Formosa Regent Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 17 June 2008 .
Editor-CO. Chief: at The the Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory ( CMOT )
Associate Editor: International's apos the Journal of Economics and Finance at The
Review Boards:
At The the Journal of at The the Business and Management International's apos
Organization Studies
Vestnik of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics AT at The
International's apos Research,, at The the Business
Management Decision
at The the Journal of Management and Sustainability
International's apos Education Studies
International's apos Issues of at The the Journal of at The the Business, Ltd.'s as Free the Join Modern Market (IJMBIGM)
Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
2015: Completed
- Han Bing (Finance;. Peking Univ) :? Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card Or Mobile Payment An Experimental Study On Factors Affecting Consumers' Choice Of Payment Methods
- Federico Paolucci (Management; Peking Univ.): The Spreading Of Disorder: Supervisor's Influence On Employees' Workplace Lateness Evidence From China Nathan Richter (Management; Peking Univ.): .. Asset Risk And Oil And Gas Master Limited Partnership Capital Structure: Evidence From The US Shale Oil Boom Phannarai Sae-Loo (Penny; Finance; Peking Univ.): The Determinants Of Employee Turnover Intention In The Thai Retail Sector Shi Ge (Sheila; Management; Peking Univ.): The Impact Of Workforce Downsizing On Corporate Performance- An Empirical Study Based On Chinese A-Share Market
2014: Completed
- Christopher Ling (Economics; Peking Univ.): Insider trading detection and determinant empirical analysis: Evidence from M & A events in China stock market
- Sarah Yan (Economics; Peking Univ.): Value Investing: An Empirical Analysis of the Piotroski Strategy in China Market
- Sylvia Lee (Sophie) (Finance; Peking Univ.): Study in the asset allocation between gold market and stock market during financial crisis
- Charmaine Tay (Quantitative Finance; Peking Univ.): Effect of the Yield on Singapore Government Securities: An Empirical Analysis
- Indira N.Papysheva (Quantitative Finance; Peking Univ.): Forecasting financial variables: Kazakhstan Tenge exchange rate volatility
- Christine Dong Wei (Economics; Peking Univ.): An empirical study of convertible bonds pricing - evidence from BOC convertible (113001.SH)
2013: Completed
- Yuxiang guo, the Demos at The (Economics; Peking Univ.): Venture Capital,, and Listed Companies' Investment's apos Irrational: Evidence from China
- Wetherill Gareth john (Management; Peking Univ.): China Regional of the A & M at The of GDP and the Activity at The
- Hu kai, Hook (Management; Peking Univ.): Determinants of Recovery Rate in Chinese AT at The Offshore Corporate Bond
- Yao wang, Thren (Threnode Elenasto) (Finance; Peking Univ.): Moving Average Trading the ON AT at Strategy Adjustment Based at The The Conditional Probability
2012 Completed
- Joanne Lam Lam (Economics; Peking Univ.): AT the ON piracy at The Effect of Music Industry Employment: Evidence from Labor AT at The United States,, Government of
Management in Investment's apos Banking
Managing Mergers & Acquisitions
Foundations of Investment's apos Banking
Managing China Cross-Border Development
Accounting for Lawyers
Organizational at The the Network at The the Analysis
, Ltd.'s as Free the Join Perspectives (of at The the Business)
Managing Complex is IS Organizations
Managing Organizational Networks,,
the Network at The Technology and the Administration at The
Management Information Systems and the Business at The AT at Strategy
in Research, in Methods,
PhD Seminar in Information Systems & Information Technology Management
Financial Accounting
Managing Information Technology
S s Principles of Finance and Financial Information Systems
Introduction to Social at The the Network at The the Analysis
Social at The the Network at The the Analysis for by by You
Introduction to at The the Web 2.0 Technologies
S s Principles of Information Systems in at The the Business and Organizations
Introduction to at The the Data at The the Processing
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Spreadsheet at The the Analysis
Introduction to Computer Programming
SCHOOL .. OF Transnational. OF POLITICS & OF POLITICS & LAW PEKING Universities ON on Shenzhen, Chine Adjunct Professor: Accounting for Lawyers HONG KONG BAPTIST Universities Hong Kong, China Adjunct Professor: New Media Workshop (at The the MS Communications Pgm) MOUNT at The the IDA S at The the Newton, MA, USA Adjunct :, Ltd.'s as Free the Join Perspectives Professor; Management Information Systems (the MS Mgmt at The Pgm; Via Online) AARHUS Universities Aarhus, Denmark Adjunct Professor: the Network at The Social at The the Analysis; Managing Complex is IS Orgs; at The the Intro at The the To the Web 2.0 Technologies at The.. PYONGYANG UNIV. OF. OF S. & & TECHNOLOGY.. Pyongyang, North Korea Adjunct Professor: Financial Accounting (Grad); Commercial's apos Banking (undergrad) RUHR-BOCHUM the Universität Bochum, Germany Adjunct Professor: Managing Mergers & Acquisitions (at The the BS & at The the MBA PGMS ) INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. OF MANAGEMENT (at The the ISM). Dortmund, Germany Adjunct Professor: at The the Rational Decision-Making (at The the MBA Pgm) . 'S'S TRIDENT Universities / S. OF at The the INFORMATION SYSTEMS Cypress, at The the CA, USA Assistant Professor Management Program at The the IT ( Online Via) CARNEGIE MELLON Universities Pittsburgh, PA, USA Lecturer CECIL COUNTY and COMMUNITY and S at The the MD, USA Lecturer DELAWARE TECH Wilmington, DE, USA Lecturer