The Asia MBA Football Cup is a prestigious tournament that pits MBA teams from Asia’s top business schools against each other. On April 25, the 6th Asia MBA Football Cup was held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The 2015 tourney featured eight teams, HKUST, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Hong Kong University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Renmin University of China, Peking University, and Credit Suisse.
The PHBS team won third place after five matches. The first game was against the Chinese University of Hong Kong at 10 a.m. and ended with Zhang Hanqiu kicking in two goals for PHBS. Soon, our team won the second victory in the game against Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
In the third match, PHBS was well-matched with the HKUST alumni team. After a fierce fight, the game ended in a draw. PHBS entered the semi-finals with two wins and a draw. The semi-finals began at 2 p.m. The opponent was the invited team Credit Suisse. In the beginning, both teams focused on defense and midfield. However our team lost a good chance for a shot and finally lost the game with a score of 0:3.
In the match for third place, our opponent was HKUST. Both sides fought hard in the beginning, but after six minutes, our side succeeded in getting a shot that allowed Liu Yanping to quickly break through the defense, and under the press of Zhang Hanqiu, the HKUST guard touched the ball into their own goal with panic. In the end, our team won the match at 3:0 and won the third place.
Team members said that they thoroughly enjoyed the experience and recognized that not only is the tournament a great opportunity for cultural exchange, but also for physical, emotional and mental development. They said that they look forward to participating again.
By Deng Lu