PHBS Professor Wang Pengfei Ranks High in Recent RePEc/IDEAS Economist Rankings
2021-03-18 14:36:17
Based on the publication and influence of academic papers in the past ten years, the world-renowned economic research database RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)/IDEAS released the rankings of more than 60,000 economists in the world in February 2021. RePEc/IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to economics, which indexes over 3,400,000 items of research.
According to the recent rankings, Professor Wang Pengfei, associate dean of Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS), ranks 216th among global economists, 8th among Chinese economists, 5th among economists in Chinese mainland, and the best among Peking University scholars in this field.
Professor WANG Pengfei
Wang Pengfei joined PHBS as chair professor of economics and associate dean in 2019. Wang earned his Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University and then joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where he was promoted to professor. Wang’s research focuses on macroeconomics, business cycles, financial economics and monetary economics. He has published in Econometrica, American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, and American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. As a macroeconomist with international influence, he has made remarkable contributions in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory, asset bubbles and financial crises, multiple equilibrium and endogenous economic fluctuations
Since its foundation, PHBS has worked to integrate the best education resources by attracting such talented faculty from home and abroad. Serving as the associate dean in charge of research, Wang engages in high-impact research and brings experience to enhance the school’s academic strength globally. In recent years, faculty members have published in Econometrica, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, American Economic Review: Insights, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Management Science, Journal of Management Information Systems and other top international journals (including accepted and incoming papers).

By Annie J