Memorable Moments for the 2017 PHBS Graduates
2017-06-29 09:26:13


  Amid speeches, songs and smiles, festooned mortar boards and amazing performances, graduates of Peking University HSBC Bussiness School (PHBS) donned caps and gowns to celebrate their achievements and bid farewell to PHBS. On the sunny afternoon of June 3, PHBS Commencement 2017 was held at the grand hall of PHBS building. Following are a few photos that share some graduates’ cherished moments and capture the high spirits of the graduation day.



These years have passed us by so fast
It seems like we never got the chance
To realize how good life really was
And let the moment last
And it feels like it was only yesterday
When we walked into this place
Dave Matthews Band - The Graduation Song