Peking University HSBC Business School’s Students’ Union
2012-10-22 14:07:39

Peking University HSBC Business School’s Students’ Union is one of the most important associations within the school and the union portrays the school image at all times. The Students’ Union was established in 2008 and since then, the union had dedicated itself to providing aids and services to fellow students, professors and also the school as a whole while the union also contributes to internationalize our business school in all areas.
From the support of our vast numbers of membership and our school, the union was able to host many cultural, academic, sports, career development activities as well as other seminars of different aspects and international forums to enhance students’ knowledge. These activities directly aided many students in terms of horizon broadening and the union also acts as a bridge for students and professors to understand each other more.

The Students’ Union is a well developed platform which consists of diligent members who possess a strong sense of responsibility, high spirit of dedication as well as down-to-earth personalities. Through the hard work of the members, PHBS Students’ Union has developed and matured and as of now, the union has eight departments which are Secretariat Department, Career Development Department, International Department, Propaganda Department, Public Relations Department, Livelihood Department, Sports Department and Art Department.