Prof. FAN Gang was Once again Selected as China Central Bank Advisor
2015-06-19 10:45:50

China's State Council on Monday announced the appointment of seven new members of the central bank monetary policy committee. The central bank monetary policy committee, established in 1997, is responsible to advise on the country's monetary policies. Economists Fan Gang, Huang Yiping and Bai Chongen will replace Qian Yingyi, Chen Yulu and Song Guoqing as expert advisors to the committee.

Currently as the vice president of China Society of Economic Reform and the professor at PHBS, Fan Gang was serving the committee from 2006 to 2010. He is an expert in the macroeconomics of long-term development, international trade and currency, foreign relations and China’s regional integration within Asia, thus being regarded as one of China’s most influential economists whose insights are instrumental to the understanding of China’s economy and its impact on the rest of the world. In 1995, he was awarded Global Leader of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum.

Insightful as he is, Prof. Fan Gang is appointed as a consultant for departments of the Chinese Central government and provincial government. He has also served as a senior advisor for many renowned international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. He has been a Fellow of the Chinese Economists Society (USA) since 1993, and a Fellow and Global Leader for Tomorrow of the World Economic Forum since 1995.

Besides, Prof. Fan, Gang is an accomplished author, with eight books on macroeconomics and the economics of transition. He has also written more than 80 academic papers, as well as more than 100 articles for magazines and newspapers. Considering his significant achievements, Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines ranked Prof. FAN, Gang 33rd in the World’s Top 100 Public Intellectuals in 2008. 

Edited by Tung