PHBS Faculty’s Recent Publications on the Rise
2020-03-13 17:32:11
Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) has grown stronger academically, as its faculty members have recently published 11 papers in top academic journals worldwide, including International Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Review of Economic Dynamics,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Banking and Finance, and among others.

The followings are the details of our faculty's academic publications:


Jaehyuk Choi
Assistant Professor, Finance

Carol Alexander, Jaehyuk Choi, Heungju Park, Sungbin Sohn, (2020), "BitMEX bitcoin derivatives: Price discovery, informational efficiency, and hedging effectiveness", The Journal of Futures Markets, 40:23-43. 


Guy Liu
Professor, Economics

Guy Liu, Andros Gregoriou, Yibo Bo, (2020), “How do Markets Value Stock Liquidity? Comparative Evidence from the UK, the US, Germany and China,” Economics Letters, 186.

Jinke Li, Guy Liu, Jing Shao, (2020), “Understanding the ROC Transfer Payment in the Renewable Obligation with the Recycling Mechanism in the United Kingdom,” Energy Economics, 87.

Guy Liu

Jooyoung Park
Assistant Professor, Marketing

Sunghan Ryu, Jooyoung Park, Keongtae Kim, and Young-Gul Kim, (2020), “Reward versus Altruistic Motivations in Predicting Pledges in Reward-Based Crowdfunding,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24(2).


Srinivasan Selvam
Assistant Professor, Finance

Srinivasan Selvam, (Forthcoming), “Effects of Customer Industry Competition on Suppliers: Evidence from Product Market Competition Shocks,” Journal of Banking and Finance.


Sungbin Sohn
Assistant Professor, Finance

Carol Alexander, Jaehyuk Choi, Heungju Park, Sungbin Sohn, (2020), "BitMEX bitcoin derivatives: Price discovery, informational efficiency, and hedging effectiveness", The Journal of Futures Markets, 40:23-43. 

 Pengfei Wang
 Professor, Economics

Jianjun Miao, Pengfei Wang, Tao Zha, (Forthcoming), “Discount Shock, Price-Rent Dynamics, and the Business Cycle,” International Economic Review.

Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang, and Zhiwei Xu, (Forthcoming), “Interest Rate Liberalization and Capital Allocation,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomic.

Feng Dong, Jianjun Miao, Pengfei Wang(Forthcoming)Asset Bubbles and Monetary Policy,” Review of Economic Dynamics.



Weiming Ye
Associate Professor, Communication

WeiMing Ye, Rongxin Ouyang. (2020). "Reshaping Time and Space: A Study on Algorithm Mediated Platform Labor," Zhejiang Academic Journal, 2, 167-176. (CSSCI)



Jake Zhao
Assitant Professor, Economics


Jake Zhao, (2020), “Accounting for the Corporate Cash Increase,” European Economic Review, 123.

Xiaohua Zeng
Associate Professor, Marketing

Yongmin Zhu, Miaomiao Liu, Xiaohua Zeng and Pei Huang, (Forthcoming), “The Effects of Prior Reviews on Perceived Review Helpfulness: A Configuration Perspective,” Journal of Business Research.