2019 PHBS Financial Media Summer School
2019-08-02 12:22:00
Peking University PHBS Business School (PHBS) held its second financial media summer school at its UK campus on July 8 to July 19, 2019. Themed new technology and media, this year's summer school offered 17 students from financial media mater's program chances to attend lectures and courses provided by scholars from Oxford University, London School of Economics (LSE) and University of Edinburgh, with topics ranging from new media theory, internet research methods, data ethics, block chain, media convergence to intercultural communication. Outside classroom, students also visited BBC, Bloomberg as well as Reuters, and had discussions with journalists from world-renowned media agencies.
Professor Paul Flather from Oxford University introduces the root causes of Brexit
Professor Meng Bingchun from LSE talks about creative labour in the age of media convergence
Professor Wang Tong from University of Edinburgh introduces blockchain to the students
During the two-week summer school, BBC TV anchors Paul Hayes and John Cameron came to the UK Campus, discussing antique-critic TV programs and antique investment with PHBS students.  
BBC anchors with PHBS financial media students
In addition, students also visited Bloomberg, China media center at the University of Westminister, BBC and Reuters, where they had in-depth discussions with experienced editors, journalists and scholars. 
The staff of Bloomberg show students how to use Bloomberg terminal
Inside Bloomberg

Professor Huge de Burgh from China Media Center at University of Westminister (the fifth from the right in the front row), and Andrew Peaple, ex-heard on the street editor for the Wall Street Journal (the third from the right in the front row), had discussions with PHBS students.
Vicent Ni and Bruno Garcez, BBC digital editor, East Asia, discuss with students from PHBS
The two-week summer school is jointly organized by PHBS financial media program and the UK campus. It is designed to give students a global perspective and enhance their intercultural communication skills by attending lectures and visiting world-leading media organizations. Through the program, students can gain a deeper understanding of the changing landscape of media industry and how top financial media organizations operate.
 By Luo Kang, Guo Wenjun and Shi Shengyuan; Photo by 18 Finance Media Class