Recently, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) announced that Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) has once again been accredited by AACSB for a maximum period of 5 years.
The peer review team with the school leaders
In June of this year, a peer review team comprising Peter Verhoef, vice rector and dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen, Gregory J. Whitwell, former dean of the Business School at the University of Sydney, and Maryam Omari, executive dean of the Business and Law School at Edith Cowan University, conducted an onsite re-evaluation of PHBS. The peer review team conducted 17 in-depth discussions with the school's leadership, meticulously scrutinizing facets including the school's vision and mission, strategic development, teaching and research, faculty development, talent cultivation, personnel management, social responsibility, and impact.
Furthermore, they engaged in dialogues with program directors, faculty members, students, alumni, and employers to gather a holistic view of their assessments and recommendations for the school and its various programs. The review team gave full credit to the remarkable progress PHBS has made in recent years, noting that the school boasts top-notch teaching facilities and has achieved impressive accomplishments in academic research, internationalization, employment competitiveness, and other areas. Meanwhile, they also provided suggestions for the school's sustainable development in the future.

Located in Shenzhen, PHBS was founded in 2004 with the vision to advance Peking University's commitment to global economics, finance, and management research, and develop as a center of international excellence in business education. In August 2018, the school successfully passed the AACSB accreditation for a period of five years. Though a young institution, PHBS has set its sights on global recognition and is now among only a selective few of the best business schools worldwide to hold the “Triple Crown” —EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA, granted by the world’s three most influential business school accreditation organizations.
By Annie Jin
Source: Dean's Office and Public Relations & Media Office