Peking University VCPE association in PHBS, which has nearly 100 members, was founded in 2010. The purpose of ours association is to set up a bridge between school and VCPE industry, to provide a research platform for students and staff in PHBS, to produce valuable research achievements and fight to be an outstanding student institute in school, even in VCPE area.
Our internal training is not only comprehensive, but also dedicated. We pay attention to the overview of VCPE, industry trend up to minutes, skills to survive in VCPE area, successful investment cases in VCPE, and researches on sunrise industries, while some basic skills would also be trained.
VCPE Association tends to cultivate and promote the members’ development and is trying to become first class research club on VCPE industry.
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Our micro blog: 北京大学汇丰商学院VCPE协会