How to Apply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China
2019-10-31 15:22:23
by Feng Shuaizhang, Jinan University                                            

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 | 13:00 pm - 14:00 pm | Room 335, HSBC Business School Building



Professor Feng Shuaizhang, Dean of the Institute for Economic and Social Research of Jinan University, is going to share his experience on how to apply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the classroom 335 of PHBS Building. The lecture will mainly compose of three parts. Firstly, Professor Feng will briefly introduce IESR in terms of its research, databases, think-tank work, and its students. Secondly, Professor Feng will explain the process for applying for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and give advice on the specific time schedule of the application and the structure of the written proposal.