​The Promise of Big Data Analytics in Business Decisions
2024-06-17 07:20:54
by Roberta S. Russell, Virginia Polytech Institute State University

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 | 12:30pm - 2:00pm | Room 335, HSBC Business School Building


The Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics at Virginia Tech, led by Professor Weiguo Fan 樊卫国博士, conducts research into data mining, text mining, social network analysis, and other applications of big data analytics. Professor Russell will provide examples of the types of projects the center conducts and those in which she is personally involved. Specifically, she will discuss the development of a text analytics toolbox and its use in a Vehicle Defect Discovery Project, the use of classification and regression tree analysis (CART) in a vocational rehabilitation setting, and the effect of resilience perspectives on disaster recovery policies.  Dr. Russell will conclude with a discussion of future research projects and suggestions for collaboration.