Hai Wen:A Great Teacher Plans for the World and the Future
In 1969, Hai Wen left Hangzhou city for the countryside in Hulin County, Heilongjiang Province, and stayed in th
11 Jan 2022
Nicholas Ruck: Living with Variety and Always Exploring
As one of the first batch of graduates in the program, Nicholas chose not only to study but also to work and live in China
04 Jan 2022
Gianni De Bruyn : A Ph.D. Is a Long Way to Go, But I Enjoy the Journey
“PHBS has had a huge positive impact on my life, as well as the friendships I made and the projects I’ve completed ”
04 Jan 2022
WangPengfei: Future Direction and Method of Macroeconomic Research
He has been hailed as one of the most productive young economists in the world
17 May 2021
Period Poverty: Neglected Female Nightmare
The work of three PHBS financial media students (Wu Xingying, Zhang Keyuan, and Zhang Xiang), stood out from 60 submissions to win third place in the video category
28 Apr 2021
Peng Xianhua: Using Mathematical Tools to Solve Real-World Problems
“Thinking about how to use mathematical language and tools to find solutions to these re­al-world financial problems is one thing I’d love to do my whole life ”
25 Sep 2020
Che Limei: Life Is to Explore
“To explore and discover the unknown makes life interesting and exciting, and it is much easier to do so when you are young I am glad that I am always curious and open-minded ”
25 Sep 2020
Jooyoung Park: Keep Asking Why and Enjoy the Moment
She recalled a defining moment, her first study-abroad experience, which rerouted her life unexpectedly and completely
19 Mar 2020
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