Asymmetric peer effects in capital structure dynamics
Using a semiparametric smooth-coefficient partial adjustment model, this study finds evidence for asymmetric peer effects on capital structure adjustment speeds

Hyun Joong Im

| Working Paper | No. 2018001

Keywords: Peer effects, Capital structure, Speed of adjustment, Leverage dynamics

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The Effect of Stock Liquidity on Debt-Equity Choices
We examine the effect of stock liquidity on a firm’s choice between debt and equity when funding its investment activities

William Cheung, Hyun Joong Im, and Bohui Zhang

| Working Paper | No. 2017003

Keywords: Stock liquidity, Debt issuance, Equity issuance, Capital structure

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The Effect of Technological Imitation on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from US Patent Data
Using US patent data for the period 1977–2005, we find that there are inverted-Ushaped relationships between the degree of industry-level technological imitation and industry-level innovation activities and between the degree of industry-level

Hyun Joong Im, Yang Liu and Janghoon Shon

Working Paper | No. 2017002 |

Keywords: Corporate innovation, Technological imitation, Value of innovation

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Idiosyncratic Risk and Acyclically Increasing Public Debt
This paper proposes a politico-economic theory of public debt dynamics that a policy maker decides on fiscal policies for being elected by voters of overlapping generations who face uninsurable idiosyncratic risk on their disposable incomes

Insook Lee

Working Paper | No. 2017001 |

Keywords: Government debt, Cyclical property of public debt, Idiosyncratic risk, Political economy of public debt, Public debt dynamics

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Uncertainty and the Value of Cash Holdings
This study examines the effects of uncertainty on the value of cash holdings

Hyun Joong Im, Heungju Park and Gege Zhao

Working Paper | No. 2016009 |

Keywords: Uncertainty, Cash holdings, Real options, Financial constraints, Agency costs

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Predicting the Critical Time of Financial Bubbles
Detecting and predicting financial bubbles have become crucially important because of the economic significance of endogenous market crashes

Kwangwon Ahn, Jacqueline B. Dai, Domenico Tarzia and Fan Zhang

Working Paper | No. 2016008 |

Keywords: Critical time, Bubbles, Log-periodic, power law Econophysics

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Bequest and Moral Hazard in Family
Observed bequest patterns of widely diverse societies are polarized into equigeniture (dividing bequests equally) and unigeniture (giving all to one child)

Insook Lee

Working Paper | No. 2016007 |

Keywords: Bequest motive, Unigeniture, Equigeniture

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Sticky Dividends: A New Explanation
This study proposes a generalized partial adjustment model of dividends in which managers set target dividends based on adaptively-formed earnings prospects

Chang Yong Ha, Hyun Joong Im, Ya Kang

Working Paper | No. 2016006 |

Keywords: Payout policy, Speed of adjustment, Dividend dynamics, Adaptive expectations

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Training, Skill-Upgrading and Permanent Migration: Evidence from China
The massive rural-to-urban migration is one of the most important features of China’s labor market during the past decades

Qing Wang, Ting Ren, Ti Liu

Working Paper | No. 2016005 |

Keywords: Human capital, Migration, Skill-upgrading, Training

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Collective Behavior in Corporate Bankruptcies and Business Cycle
We investigate collective behavior in corporate bankruptcies and its relationship with business cycle

Kwangwon Ahn, Jacqueline B. Dai, Chang Yong Ha and Basak Yakis-Douglas

Working Paper | No. 2016004 |

Keywords: Collective behavior,Corporate bankruptcy,Business cycle,Power law distribution,Agent- based model

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