01 Mar 2023
Professor Karol Mazur: College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium
In many countries, student loans are very important for financing higher education
11 Jan 2022
Professor Jia Dun: Dynamic Price Competition, Learning-By-Doing and Strategic Buyers
In the new model, sellers benefit from learning-by-doing but buyers are critically important in the way that they are able to partly internalize the impacts of their purchase decisions on the dynamics of market structure evolution
16 Jun 2021
Professor Xu Yuchen: The Telegraph and Modern Banking Development
The findings of the paper indicate that the telegraph as a revolutionary advance in information technology promoted the early development of modern banks vvv
18 May 2021
Professor Cai Xiaoming: Efficiency of Wage Bargaining with On-the-job Search
Professor Cai Xiaoming analyzed how the surplus should be split, when an employed worker finds a new job, so that workers and firms receive their fair share
14 May 2020
Professor Sohn’s Research:Price Discovery among SSE 50 Index Based Spot, Futures, and Options Markets
The results show that in the options market, the price discovery role is positively correlated with trading volume and negatively correlated with return volatility
28 Nov 2020
Professor Xu Wei: Arbitrage Involvement and Security Prices
So, how does a hedge fund affect the capital market or influence the price of securities?
17 Apr 2020
Professor Ma Linlin's Research: How does ‘skin in the game’ affect mutual fund risk-taking behavior?
The Principal Agent Problem, one of the most noticed issues in daily economic activities, arises when a person h
31 Dec 2019
Professor Zhu Hong’s Research: Home Country Institutions behind Cross-Border Acquisition Performance
Professor Zhu Hong’s Research: Home Country Institutions behind Cross-Border Acquisition Performance 
31 Dec 2019
Sword of Damocles: Job Security and Earnings Management
Sword of Damocles: Job Security and Earnings Management 
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