PHBS China Studies Program Enhances Ties with Leading Enterprises
2016-03-14 09:45:07
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As one of China’s most internationalized business schools, Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) puts great emphasis on school enterprise cooperation to create a platform for both Chinese and international students to enhance their practical skills. Such effort provides students a body of lectures, company visits, and internship.
PHBS invites top managers and experts to share their insights

On March 4, Alan Aicken, vice president and chief sustainability officer of global supplier sustainability at Huawei, and Professor Geng Shu, chairman of the academic committee of the Center for Green Economy at PHBS, gave talks on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and green development in China. Their remarks were part of Professor Huang Haifeng’s China Studies course. The mission of the class is to provide international students a deeper understanding and real life experience of Chinese culture and business markets.
Mr. Aicken presented a corporate view on sustainability and spoke about Huawei's belief that “green management” is the key to a successful green business strategy. Professor Geng delivered an academic view on the subject and focused on China’s development from a manufacturing business economy to becoming a “green economy.”

Alan Aicken lecturing on corporate social responsibility

Alan Aicken (left), Geng Shu (center), and Huang Haifeng (right) participate in discussion with students.

From Left:David Chen,Dario Bock, Alan Aicken, Linn Bergh, Geng Shu, Huang Haifeng and Julian Barg

Alan Aicken with PHBS students. From left: Julian Barg, David Chen, Alan Aicken, Linn Bergh, and Dario Bock.

A group photo of China Studies course.From left: Siye Li, Julian Barg, Huang Haifeng ,Alan Aicken, Geng Shu , Linn Bergh ,Dario Bock and David Chen

PHBS’ international students visit BGI

A delegation of PHBS students visited the headquarters of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI, also known as Huada) in Shenzhen on March 2. Dr. Zhang Gengyun, vice president of BGI’s research institute, help set up the visit as part of PHBS’ China Studies course.

 说明: 560304073825787184Zhang Gengyun, vice president of BGI’s research institute, introduces the history BGI and its CSR practices.
Dr. Zhang personally received the student visitors and introduced the development of BGI from its beginnings as a research NGO to its current status as an international player in genomics and interpretation of genetic test results. Further, Dr. Zhang presented safe food supply and sustainable economic development as the company’s main CSR focus.
Zhang Gengyun reviews BGI’s achievements
After touring the research institute, where students got a taste of the company’s day-to-day operations, Dr. Zhang and the students discussed business and management related issues, such as BGI’s business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) services. Further, Dr. Zhang shared BGI’s vision to make individual health care services based on an individual’s genome accessible and affordable for ordinary people.
Dr.Zhang discusses with international students
“BGI is a fascinating example to illustrate how niche organizations can be restructured due to an increase of demand from an NGO to a global company," said Max Kuchenbuch, an international student from Germany. He was also impressed by Huawei’s responsible attitude towards “green management” emphasized by Alen Aiken in the seminar. Mega Ranty, an Indonesian student, said, “ I can get a better understanding of how Chinese companies are rising into top ones in the world.” And she also saw it as a good chance to make more friends and expand her networking in China.
Written by Bergh Linn and Barg Julian
Photographer, Chihlin Chen
Edited by Priscilla Young and Annie Jin