PHBS Hosts 2024 Opening Ceremony
2024-09-13 17:34:00
phbs phbs phbs
Following the orientation activities, Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) hosted its opening ceremony on September 4. More than 800 people gathered together, including the school's leadership, faculty, and students from the 2023 and 2024 intakes, creating a vibrant atmosphere as they embarked on a new academic journey together. The ceremony began with an engaging video showcasing memorable moments from the boot camp, setting the stage for an exciting and productive year ahead.
The opening ceremony
A video about the boot camp
Among this year's cohort, there are 301 Chinese master's degree students (including 10 from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), 11 doctoral students, and over 50 international students, hailing from 33 provinces and cities across China and 28 countries and regions worldwide. Additionally, 27 exchange students also reported for registration on the same day. Prior to this, 26 full-time MBA freshmen, 181 part-time MBA students, and 104 EMBA students had already embarked on their journey at PHBS in July and June, respectively.
PHBS Associate Dean Young Joon Park introduced the outstanding faculty and the school's internationally diverse and enriching learning environment to the incoming students.
Professor Zhang Kun, faculty representative
Zhang Kun, executive director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at PHBS, offered five pieces of advice to the students: Firstly, strive for personal growth, make friends with mentors and peers, cultivate good living habits, and embrace future academic challenges with perseverance. Secondly, avoid falling into the trap of blindly following the crowd and "involution", and instead find your unique ideas and strike a balance between studies and career. Thirdly, hone your entrepreneurial skills and cultivate team spirit and leadership abilities. Fourthly, apply what you have learned in the innovative atmosphere of Shenzhen and enjoy the process. Lastly, international students should bravely step out of their comfort zones to understand and appreciate the charm of Chinese culture.
Shang Zhou, 2023 class representative
Shang Zhou advised his fellow students to leverage PHBS's resources, including faculty, platforms, and disciplines, and to embrace the school's diversity and global perspective. He encouraged them not to fear discussing or thinking, but to bravely stand by their choices and pursue their dreams. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of developing a habit of exercise and fitness for lifelong benefits.
Chen Xiyi, 2024 class representative
Chen Xinyi first congratulated everyone on becoming members of PHBS and then shared her expectations for the upcoming campus life and reflections on personal growth. She encouraged her fellow students to stay true to their original aspirations, uphold their missions, and prepare themselves for future challenges through rigorous self-discipline and exercise. Chen expressed her hope that everyone would cherish the three years at PHBS.
Maguette Birgitta Marie-Jose, 2024 international class representative
Maguette Birgitta Marie-Jose expressed her anticipation for the upcoming academic life. She believed that every encounter at the school had the potential to significantly impact personal growth and encouraged everyone to embrace diversity and communicate bravely. She urged her fellow students to strive for excellence, to take the first step towards becoming leaders with courage, and to jointly envision a brighter future, contributing their wisdom and strength to building a better world.
Professor Wang Pengfei gives remarks

Dean Wang Pengfei recalled the history and endeavors of PHBS, encouraging students to display a spirited demeanor and make progress with determination. He called for students to seize opportunities in China's new era, innovate, and drive social progress. He urged them to solidify foundations, integrate knowledge with actions, and achieve goals. Finally, he wished all a successful new academic year.

Student Performance


At the end of the ceremony, filled with anticipation and enthusiasm, 22 Master's degree classes, 1 Doctoral degree class, as well as jointly cultivated undergraduate students and international exchange students took the stage to showcase their vitality.

Class 2024, What Would You Like to Wish for This Year?

Chen Xinyi, Master of Management
”I am thrilled to embark on a fresh academic journey at PHBS. This summer, my experience as a volunteer for the 2024 Olympic Games in France provided me with invaluable insights into organizational and management concepts across diverse cultural landscapes. Returning to Shenzhen, the city where I was born and raised, I am eager to apply these learnings and immerse myself in the vibrant academic community, exploring the intricacies of corporate management and uncovering the joys of business operations."
Giulia Marelli, Italy, Master of Management
"I'm beginning my studies as an exchange student at PHBS, a renowned university offering outstanding Master of Management courses. The campus is beautiful, vast, and truly international. I anticipate learning more about the Chinese economy and language, as well as expanding my horizons and perspectives through this enriching experience."

 Xu Zhengyu, Master of Finance
"Embarking on my journey at PHBS, where diverse cultures and passions intertwine, I am eager to explore my passions and uncover my future path. Inspired by Peking University's rich legacy of driving progress, I am confident that I will forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals and contribute to the vibrant academic community."

Huang Yijia, Master of Economics 
Immersed in PHBS's vibrant club culture during club recruitment, I'm grateful for the engaging events. Arriving for registration, I'm inspired by the school’s rich culture and international atmosphere. Ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth, I'm committed to learning through practice, and eager to integrate, engage, and grow with exceptional peers.

Miao Kejia, Master of Journalism and Communication 
" I'm filled with renewed anticipation amidst a growing sense of familiarity. Relocating to Shenzhen from Hangzhou presents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. Today's encounter with my first friend from Myanmar, filled with insightful conversations, has further ignited my excitement for the diverse and talented peers I'll meet, the profound knowledge I'll acquire, and the rich experiences I'll embrace during my time here."

Santiago Ordovas Calvo, Dual Nationality: Spain & Chile, Master of Finance
"I chose PHBS because it's one of the best universities in the world. I'm thrilled to be on this amazing campus, which looks super fancy and technologically advanced. In the future, I'd like to get a good job in China, probably in the financial sector, like a bank."

Feng Xiaoru, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
"Transitioning from a master's graduate to a Ph.D. student at PHBS, I feel a profound sense of familiarity intertwined with excitement. Renewing my connection to this prestigious institution fills me with pride and anticipation. Over the next four years, I aim to pursue excellence in economics research, leveraging the innovative edge of the Greater Bay Area to delve deeply into the intricacies of our discipline."

By Annie Jin