Final Leave Procedures for Exchange
2015-01-05 15:39:29
北京大学学生出访申报表 办理程序
1) 申报学生在北京大学门户网站(登录后,提交出国审批申请,填写完整信息并打印此表;
Reporting students should log in to the Peking University Campus website (, submit the application online and after filling in the information, the student should print it out;

2) 填写余下的个人信息(其中出访事由、经费来源亦为必填项;欲申请研究生学术交流基金的同学请在往返旅费来源处填选“北京大学支付”)并签字。
Fill in the rest of your personal particulars (Among those would be the reason for foreign visitation and mandatory field would be the source of funding; graduate students who have applied for the Academic Exchange Fund please indicate in the Round Trip Travel field “Payment by Peking University” and sign your name.

3) 导师意见栏:请导师签署意见并签字,后面请附深圳所在学院/中心领导签字
Advisor Opinion Column: Please ask the advisor to write down remarks and at the back, obtain the signature of the head in Shenzhen’s college/center;

Verification and record for the application form and supporting documents; bring along the Invitation letter, the original copy of the acceptance letter or any related printed email come to Office of Education Administration and submit to Teacher Chen in Room H103;

5) 所在单位意见:请到H208室院长办公室党委办公室,由李老师交两位院领导签字并加盖院章及党委公章(请于周二,周四下午办理);
As advised by the unit: Please go to Chancellor’s Secretariat Office in Room H208 and Teacher WEI will help for the signatures and get the stamps. (Please submit and fetch the forms on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon).

6) 完成上述签字盖章后,复印两份(出访申请表及邀请函、接收函原件或相关往来邮件打印件),一份交H103室陈老师处,一份交深圳所在学院/中心教务老师处。
After getting all the above mentioned stamps, photocopy two copies (Foreign Visitation Application Form and invitation letter, original copy of acceptance letter and any related printed email correspondence), one copy should be submitted to Teacher Chen in Room H103 and the other should be submitted to the Shenzhen’s College/Centre Teacher Administration Office;

7) 原件本人持有,继续完成校本部的手续。校本部手续包括研究生院(新太阳学生活动中心105室)和国际合作部(南阁104)。
The original copy should be kept by the student to continue applying for the main campus procedures. You need to finish the procedures at the main Campus at the Graduate School (New Sun Student Activity Center Room 419) and Office of International Relations (Address: Nange 103 or 104).




Students who take foreign visitation for more than 180 days should go through the leaving school procedures (get the checklist in Education & Administration office), and you should go through the check in procedures when come back. 


Please finish your application before your visitation.
