Information Design for Selling Search Goods and the Effect of Competition
I study optimal information provision by a search goods seller While the seller controls a consumer& 39;s pre-sea

Chen Lyu

ARTICLE | Journal of Economic Theory | Vol.213, 2023
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The De-Professionalization of Chinese Journalism
This paper content analyzed 1584 news samples from 10 newspapers in China in 2012 and 2018 with the aim of exp

Haiyan Wang*, Jing Meng

ARTICLE | Chinese Journal of Communication | Vol.16, 2023

Keywords: Chinese journalism, de-professionalization, objectivity, immediacy, digital media

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A Dynamic Model of Owner Acceptance in Peer-to-Peer Sharing Markets
Peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing marketplaces enable sharing of idle resources When a renter requests an owner& 39;s res

Dai Yao*, Chuang Tang, Junhong Chu

ARTICLE | Marketing Science | Vol.41, 2023

Keywords: peer-to-peer market, sharing economy, intertemporal decision making, dynamic model

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Do Natural Disaster Experiences Limit Stock Market Participation?
We examine whether natural disaster experiences affect households’ portfolio choice decisions Using data from

Sreedhar T. Bharath, DuckKi Cho*

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Vol.58, 2023

Keywords: Limited Stock Market Participation, Natural Disasters, Risk taking, Expectations, Preferences

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Quality Signaling Through Crowdfunding Pricing
Problem definition: This paper studies an entrepreneur& 39;s pricing strategy in a reward-based crowdfunding campaign

Ehsan Bolandifar, Zhong Chen*, Panos Kouvelis, Weihua Zhou

ARTICLE | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management | Vol.25, 2023

Keywords: reward-based crowdfunding, quality signaling, price commitment

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Learning and the Capital Age Premium
Imperfect information and learning are introduced into a production-based asset pricing model Our model features s

Kai Li*, Chi-Yang Tsou, Chengjie Xu

ARTICLE | Journal of Monetary Economics | Vol.136, 2023

Keywords: parameter learning, capital age, cross-section of expected returns, capital misallocation, cash flow duration

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Does Concealing Gender Identity Help Women Win the Competition? An Empirical Investigation into Online Video Games
Signs of the gender gap are ubiquitous in society Psychological theory suggests that when gender stereotypes are

Xinlei Chen, Xiaohua Zeng*, Cheng Zhang

ARTICLE | Marketing Science | Vol.42, 2023

Keywords: social disparity, concealed identity, gender, gender stereotypes, competition

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The Pollution Premium
This paper studies the asset pricing implications of industrial pollution A long-short portfolio constructed from

Po-Hsuan Hsu, Kai Li*, Chi-Yang Tsou

ARTICLE | Journal of Finance | Vol.78, 2023

Keywords: Toxic emissions, regime shift risk, uncertainty, environmental regulation, cross-section of stock returns

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Learning from Inbound Foreign Acquisitions for Outbound Expansion by Emerging Market MNEs
Although cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) are prevalent, many such acquisitions fail to complete This challenge is

Juan Bu, Yinuo Tang*, Yadong Luo, Chengguang Li

ARTICLE | Journal of International Business Studies | Vol.54, 2023

Keywords: acquisition completion, cross-border acquisition, emerging market multinationals, probit analysis, vicarious learning

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Sharing Risk to Avoid Tragedy: Informal Insurance and Irrigation in Village Economies
Irrigation provides insurance against aggregate weather shocks, which can interact with other institutions functionin

Karol Mazur*

ARTICLE | Journal of Development Economics | Vol.161, 2023

Keywords: Endogenous aggregate risk, Informal institutions, Agriculture

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