Managerial Multitasking in the Mutual Fund Industry
Managerial multitasking has become a common practice in the mutual fund industry Although multitasking may have c

Vikas Agarwal*, Linlin Ma, Kevin Mullally

ARTICLE | Financial Analysts Journal | Vol.79, 2023

Keywords: Multitasking, Fund Performance, Fund Flows, Agency Problems

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Spillover Effects of Corruption: Evidence from China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign
PurposeThe authors study the effectiveness of the anti-corruption campaign in all of mainland China& 39;s provinces

Daniel Kim, Lizhe Luo, Domenico Tarzia, Giovanni Vittorino, Andros Gregoriou

ARTICLE | Journal of Economic Studies | Vol.50, 2023

Keywords: Anti-corruption, Systematic risk, Idiosyncratic risk, Volatility spillovers

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The Impact of Infectious Disease Cues on Visual Pattern-seeking
Infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, cause disruptions to normal lives and thus trigger various adaptive reaction

Jaehoon Lee, Jooyoung Park, Jacob C. Lee*, Jihoon Jhang, Jungkeun Kim

ARTICLE | International Journal of Advertising | Vol.42, 2023

Keywords: COVID-19, perceived control, advertising images, pattern-seeking, persuasion message

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Intergenerational Dynamics of Digital Transformation in Family Firms
The integration of digital technologies and processes presents a multifaceted and complex challenge for family firm

Ting Ren*, Xin Liu, Jinqiong Ding

ARTICLE | Technology in Society | Vol.74, 2023

Keywords: Digital transformation, Family firms, Intergenerational inheritance, Willingness

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A Novel Deep Learning Carbon Price Short-Term Prediction Model with Dual-Stage Attention Mechanism
Carbon price prediction can help participants keep abreast of carbon market dynamics and develop trading strategies

Yanfeng Wang, Ling Qin, Qingrui Wang, Yingqi Chen, Qing Yang*, Lu Xing, Shusong Ba

ARTICLE | Applied Energy | Vol.347, 2023

Keywords: Carbon price, Deep learning, Multivariate time series forecasting, Time series decomposition, Principal component analysis

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The Impact of Childhood Environments on the Sunk-Cost Fallacy
The sunk-cost fallacy is a well-documented cognitive bias in the decision-making literature Although the emerging

Jihoon Jhang, Daniel Chaein Lee, Jooyoung Park, Jaehoon Lee, Jungkeun Kim*

ARTICLE | Psychology & Marketing | Vol.40, 2023

Keywords: childhood socioeconomic status, cognitive bias, consumer decision-making, perceived wastefulness, socioeconomic status, sunk-cost fallacy

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