Outside Directors’ Insider Trading Around Board Meetings
Using a novel dataset of US companies’ regular board meeting schedules, we find evidence of informed trading

Seil Kim, Seungjoon Oh*

ARTICLE | Review of Accounting Studies | Vol. 29, 2024

Keywords: Board meeting, Outside directors, Insider trading

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Financial Constraints, Cash Flow Timing Patterns and Asset Prices
We show that firms collect almost 70% of their cash flows in the second half of the fiscal year, and that fir

Weiping Hu, Kai Li*, Xiao Zhang

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial Economics | Vol. 157, 2024

Keywords: Cash flows, Cash flow timing patterns, Asset prices, Equity financing costs

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Intermediary-Based Equity Term Structure
We demonstrate that a financial intermediary-based asset pricing model offers a compelling explanation for a new s

Kai Li*, Chenjie Xu

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial Economics | Vol. 157, 2024

Keywords: Equity term structure, Financial intermediary, Mean reversion, Relative tightness index, Discount rate

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The Agricultural Wage Gap within Rural Villages
We use unique data on daily labor-market outcomes for Indian casual workers to study labor reallocation between a

Ceren Baysan, Manzoor H. Dar, Kyle Emerick, Zhimin Li*, Elisabeth Sadoulet

ARTICLE | Journal of Development Economics | Vol. 168, 2024

Keywords: Wage gap, Agriculture, Structural change, Dual economy, Urbanization

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EPS Sensitivity and Mergers
Announcements of mergers where the target is offered stock very often discuss the impact of the deal on the acq

Sudipto Dasgupta, Jarrad Harford, Fangyuan Ma*

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Vol. 59, 2024

Keywords: mergers, acquisitions, EPS, short-termism, method-of-payment

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Motivating Collusion
We examine how executive compensation can be designed to facilitate product market collusion We look at the 2013

Sangeun Ha, Fangyuan Ma, Alminas Žaldokas*

ARTICLE | Journal of Financial Economics | Vol. 154, 2024

Keywords: Product market collusion, Corporate governance, Managerial compensation

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Confidence Intervals of Treatment Effects in Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects
We augment the factor-based estimation of treatment effects proposed by Bai and Ng (2021) with easy-to-implement a

Xingyu Li, Yan Shen, Qiankun Zhou*

ARTICLE | Journal of Econometrics | Vol. 240, 2024

Keywords: Bootstrap, Confidence interval, Treatment effects, Panel data analysis, Interactive fixed effects, Nonstationarity

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Price Rigidities and the Value of Public Information

Lifeng Gu, Jin Xie*

ARTICLE | Journal of Accounting Research | Vol. 62, 2024
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Local Effects of Global Capital Flows: A China Shock in the U.S. Housing Market

Zhimin Li, Leslie Sheng Shen*, Calvin Zhang

ARTICLE | Review of Financial Studies | Vol. 37, 2024
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College Expansion, Trade, And Innovation: Evidence from China

Xiao Ma*

ARTICLE | International Economic Review | Vol. 65, 2024
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