24 Mar 2017
The Modigliani-Miller Second Proposition Is Dead; Long Live the Second Proposition
By using the binomial option pricing model, this paper proves that with no arbitrage and no transaction costs, (
24 Mar 2017
Bubbles and House Price Dispersion in the United States during 1975-2007
We investigate the rapid growth in the dispersion of housing prices across metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) i
24 Mar 2017
Employer Loan Choices to Employees and the Profitability of Small, Labor-Intensive Firms
At small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), cash-strapped employees frequently request loans from employers becaus
20 Mar 2017
Trade Reforms, Structural Changes and Current Account Imbalances
This paper presents a dynamic Hechscher-Ohlin model that can discuss the effects of a permanent shock such as a
20 Mar 2017
Relative Value Hedge Funds: A Quantitative Modelling of Financial, Economic, and Statistical Risk Factors
This paper has three contributions to the literature First, it analyzes the risk characteristics for 11 Relative
20 Mar 2017
Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tari Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
The WTO TBT agreement has been promoting a harmonisation of national standards with relevant international standard
20 Mar 2017
Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tari Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
The WTO TBT agreement has been promoting a harmonisation of national standards with relevant international standard
06 Mar 2017
Why is local governments’ land supply curve vertical in Public Land Ownership Regime? A Theoretical analysis and an empirical investigation of Chine
This paper examines the land supply function of local governments with a limited term of office We first introd
23 Feb 2017
Marrying Up: The Tradeoff between Spousal Income and Spousal Height
Couple’s heights tend to match However, whether such matching is for the sake of height or the many desir
15 Feb 2017
Improving Investor- Investee Matches with Regulation: Evidence from the Orphan Drug Act & Global Biotechnology Industry
Venture capitalists (VCs) ideally like to invest in innovations at a nascent stage but this is inherently incorpo
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