21 Jun 2017
Data Science in Action
AbstractData Science has become one of the most rapidly growing interdisciplinary fields It combines computer scie
12 Jun 2017
Strategy in Digital Economy
With the emergence of digital economy, an increasing number of firms are competing and operating based on digital
12 Jun 2017
Competition and the Welfare Gains from Transportation Infrastructure: Evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India
A significant amount of resources is spent every year on the improvement of transportation infrastructure in devel
09 Jun 2017
Protectionism and the Business Cycle
We study the consequences of protectionism for economic fluctuations First, using data on tariffs and non-tariffs
09 Jun 2017
Human Capital Driven Acquisition: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine
We present evidence that the desire to gain human capital is an important motive for corporate acquisitions Our
24 May 2017
The Dilemma of Moving Fast: The Antecedents and Consequences of Outside CEOs’ Early Action Plans
Prior research in CEO succession literature has documented a well-known dilemma for the newly appointed CEOs with
04 May 2017
Does Corporate Investment Respond to Time-Varying Risk? Empirical Evidence
I test whether firms take time-varying risk into account in their capital budgeting decisions The challenge to t
02 May 2017
Janus-Faced Nostalgia: Sentimentalism and the Market
Since the late 1990s, a growing number of films and television dramas with a nostalgic tint have mushroomed Nos
26 Apr 2017
How Long Should You Stay at a Financial Job: Are Men and Women Different?
Using the career histories from LinkedIn data, this paper investigates whether the gender differences in representa
31 Mar 2017
Socializing at Work: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Manufacturing Workers
Through a field experiment at a seafood-processing plant, I examine how working alongside friends affects employee
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