PHBS Holds 2021 Commencement
2021-06-08 12:10:30
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June is the bustling time of year in academia, as graduates across the globe don caps and gown to celebrate their achievements. With strict epidemic prevention measures, Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) recently held its 2021 commencement. Despite the Covid-19 challenges, a total of 556 students graduated this year.


2021 PHBS commencement

School leaders and faculty enter the auditorium

Program representatives hold the flags 

The graduation video kicked off the ceremony featuring graduates and alumni’s affection for the school and faculty’s best wishes. Our international graduates also shared their best wishes via the video.

The hosts DING Ning and GUO Ziyu

MA graduate GONG Beichen
Gong Beichen reflected on the three-year study and campus life at PHBS, which made him stronger and open-minded. He hoped that in this ever-changing new era, all the graduates could realize their dreams, strive for a bright future, and contribute to the nation.

International graduate Rafiat Oluwatosin OMISORE

Rafiat Oluwatosin Omisore emphasized the importance of education and expressed her deep gratitude to the faulty and classmates for their support and help. She believed that though facing more challenges ahead, our graduates were well prepared to step into the society and make a difference, as "PHBS had not only inspired and challenged us to strive for excellence on a daily basis, but reshaped us into our better selves."

MBA graduate ZHONG Han
 Zhong Han talked about his cherished moments at PHBS, social responsibilities and long-standing relations with alma mater. He also expressed heartfelt thanks to the school and best wishes to fellow graduates.


 Professor Sungbin SOHN delivers a speech on behalf of PHBS faculty

Professor Sungbin Sohn spoke of how to cope with challenges and inequity in life. He remarked that if hardship come and your dreams drift away, you should have the courage to adapt your dreams to suit your situation as the meaning of life comes from the process, not from the outcome. He hoped that graduates could find inner strength by themselves instead of comparing to others and become the visionary leaders for the nation and the world. Finally, he emphasized that graduates should remember to be kind to others and have warm hearts.


 LI Ming, EMBA Alumnus, founding board member of PHBS UK Campus, and Chairman of Shenzhen Hui Chuang Da Technology Co., Ltd

Li Ming shared his experience about how to strike a balance between his career and responsibilities at the EMBA alumni association. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to PHBS and hope graduates could build long-standing relations with the school and give back to our alma mater in the future.


Speech by TAO Yong, Ph.D. in Ophthalmology at PKU; Ophthalmologist-in-Chief, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Affiliated Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University

Via video, Doctor Tao Yong gave three pieces of advice to graduates by elaborating on the importance of passion, optimism, and resilience. First of all, he talked about how to stay passionate: the key to sustaining your passion in life is to stay away from negative voices. Recalling his own experience, he also noted that it’s vital to be thick-skinned and resilient when confronting hardships and setbacks in life. At last, he encouraged PKU graduates to aim high, shoulder a sense of mission, and make contributions to the society.


Dean HAI Wen gives remarks

Dean Hai wrapped up by highlighting the importance of looking far ahead and aiming high, especially in times of challenges and fierce competition. He held that newly graduates should make steady progress with vision instead of being preoccupied with income, reputation, and status. He remarked,"When you have no real strength, such external accessories may become obstacles to progress." He also put emphasis on lifelong learning and hoped that graduates could make accomplishments and move forward steadily with their perseverance and vision. 

At each year's commencement, Dean Hai gives grad­uates a copy of his original artworks. This year, his painting depicted a wide and tranquil river with rolling mountains, which could stand for high ambition and great vision.

A copy of the Dean's painting as a graduation gift

 Associate Dean WANG Pengfei announces the name list of the Outstanding Graduates

Closing the ceremony with Dean Hai officiating, PHBS Associate Deans Professor Chu Chia-Shang and Professor Ouyang Liangyi announced the names of this year's graduates.

Love for PKU sung by all attendants

 The group photo of graduates and faculty


Photo gallery

We hope that in your future life, 
You will always aim high and see far, 
Enrich yourself with humility, 
Walk steadily, and progress with promise! 


By Annie J