Building AI Models for Finance and Advancing FinTech Research
2024-05-07 10:57:31
Intro: Prof. Will Cong is the Rudd Family Professor of Management, a tenured Professor of Finance, and the founding director of FinTech Initiative at Cornell University. He is also a Finance editor at the Management Science, Research Associate at the NBER, main cofounder of two international research forums (ABFR and CBER), and advisor for various government agencies and leading fintech companies. He pioneered interdisciplinary research on Tokenomics, AI for finance, blockchain forensics and design, and how digitization and big data interact with and influence competition, growth, and entrepreneurship. He previously taught at the University of Chicago after earning a Ph.D. in Finance and MS in Statistics from Stanford, and A.M. in Physics jointly with A.B. in Math and Physics from Harvard.