Seungjoon Oh: Does Board Demographic Diversity Enhance Cognitive Diversity and Monitoring?
Although prior studies examine how different dimensions of board demographic diversity, such as differences in gend
08 May 2024
Winners from Winners: A Tale of Risk Factors
The question of which risk factors best explain the cross section of expected equity returns continues to draw attention on account of the large importance of this topic for theoretical and empirical finance
08 May 2024
Ma Xiao: Migration, Tariffs, and China’s Export Surge
The authors build a multi-sector spatial general equilibrium model and combine rich data sources to account for China’s export surge between 1990 and 2005 due to three policy changes
22 Nov 2023
Ehsan Bolandifar | Crowdfunding: How to Send a Signal of High Quality
Our initial discovery indicates that setting a sufficiently low funding price can serve as a signal of high quality for customers during the funding period, particularly when the project s financing needs are not substantial
21 Nov 2023
Tang Chuang : A Dynamic Model of Owner Acceptance in Peer-to-Peer Sharing Markets
Peer-to-peer sharing platforms have emerged as important marketplaces to facilitate resource sharing
14 Sep 2023
Karol Mazur: College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium
In many countries, student loans are very important for financing higher education
14 Sep 2023
Jaehyuk Choi: Recent advances on the stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model
Numerous attempts have been made to replace or improve the BS framework, which has been a significant part of mathematical finance research
28 Oct 2022
Seungjoon Oh: Venture Capital Coordination in Syndicates, Corporate Monitoring, and Firm Performance
The coordination of venture capital (VC) investors in their syndicate significantly influences their choice of contractual terms and portfolio firm performance
16 Sep 2022
Jake Zhao: What Is the Impact of Debt and Equity Misallocation on Companies in China and the United States?
An advantage of Whited and Zhao s methodology is that it can be applied to a wide range of samples and almost any firm-level data can be used
12 Jan 2022
Jia Dun: Dynamic Price Competition, Learning-By-Doing and Strategic Buyers
Maintaining market efficiency oftentimes involves balancing the trade-off between allowing for increasing production
10 Jan 2022
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