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Mergers & Acquisitions -- Trends in China

Time:2014-06-04 09:20:34  Hits:[]
Speakers: Charles Yeung, Partner, Deloitte China, Southern China Head of Corporate Finance Advisory Services
Andrew Tsang, Director, Deloitte China, Southern Corporate Finance Advisory

WEDNESDAY, 3 April, 2:00-3:00; C125; (Delivered in ENGLISH)
Pre-registeration is *not* required to attend this event.
As China's economy and market evolves, so too does the M&A activity, as it naturally may follow suit; this presentation will cover the current M&A trends, first global activity and then the inbound and outbound trends involving China. A specific case of a recent outbound cross-border acquisition will be highlighted.  At the start of the presentation, an introduction to the business aspects of Deloitte services offered in China will be provided.

Biography: Charles Yeung
Charles is National Leader of Energy and Resources Group, the Leader of Clients and Market – Southern China Region and also the Head of Corporate Finance Advisory Services – Southern China Region. He has more than 20 years experience in serving Hong Kong listed companies, state-owned enterprises and joint venture companies in China. He also participated in certain clients’ listing exercises in People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, United States and Singapore.
Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 
Member of CPA Australia
Major Clients:
China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group; Golden Concord Group; Shougang Group; Heilongjiang Dragon Coal Group; Xingtai Steel Group, etc.

Biography: Andrew Tsang
Andrew has extensive experience in corporate finance advisory, private equity investment and management consulting in Greater China region for over a years. Prior to joining Deloitte, Andrew was Executive Director of Corporate Finance Division in Mitsubishi UFJ Securities (HK), for over a decade. He was responsible for the overall strategies of corporate finance advisory activities in Greater China, including pre-IPO/private equity placement/Private Investment in Public Equity (“PIPE”); debt financing/restructuring; merger and acquisition and initial public offering.
Before joining Mitsubishi UFJ Securities (HK), Limited, Andrew worked at 2 leading private equity investment firms in Hong Kong,  ACL Group (a major founder of Asian Venture Capital Association)  & NIF International (Asia) Limited, focusing on investment at high-growth companies in Greater China region.
Bachelor Degree in Marketing & Management  from University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.
Major Clients:
Cafe De Coral Group; Asia Television Limited; Kong Wah Electronic Enterprises Limited; Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited; Kingmax Technology Inc.; Eastern Broadcasting Co. Ltd.; Nan Ya Plastics (Hong Kong) Limited.
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