PHBS 2020 Graduates Stand Out in This Year’s Fiercely-Competitive Job Market
2020-06-15 11:20:23
phbs phbs phbs
As COVID-19 is already having a substantial impact on the labor market, many regard the spring of 2020 as the worst hiring season for new college graduates since the financial crisis. According to the Institute of Student Employers (ISE), many firms have scaled down their recruitment of entry-level staff and more than a quarter of businesses are reducing the number of graduates they hire this year. 
However, PHBS 2020 graduates stand out in this fiercely-competitive job market with a majority of the graduates working in leading finance and consulting companies. Among a total of 280 Chinese students who graduated from PHBS this year, around 273 graduates chose to enter the job market, and seven decided to pursue doctoral degrees overseas. 
As of June 6, the initial employment rate reached 95.4%. Each of those graduates received more than two job offers on average. Most PHBS graduates initiated their career in the financial sectors, including companies like China Development Bank, The Export-Import Bank of China, China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd., China International Capital Corporation, CITIC Securities, Guangfa Securities, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Tainhong Asset Management, E-Fund, as well as renowned firms such as Huawei, Tencent and Alibaba.
In fact, the outstanding employment rate is related to the school’s high-quality education and comprehensive student cultivation. PHBS aims to build students’ competence, wisdom, fitness and moral integrity through measures like weekly team-building and fitness training, high academic requirements, and rigorous thesis defense. Students could enter the dual-degree programs, or must pursue a minor degree to lay solid academic foundation and equip themselves with inter-disciplinary skills. In addition, to make sure students devote themselves to academic learning, the school only allows students to do internships after their first-year study and sets the minimum GPA requirements for graduation.
According to QS 2018 Top Business Schools with Employers Ranking, Peking University is ranked 9th in the business school ranking for employer reputation. In addition, QS mentioned that PHBS, the university’s leading business school in Shenzhen, could provide the ideal setting for studying business. PHBS’ employment rate this year could serve as a good indicator in this regard. Its career center will release the 2020 PHBS employment report in July.
By Annie Jin